
One Local Thanksgiving

My sister's hosting Thanksgiving this year. Again. If I ever get a chance to host, however, I want to give a 100-Mile Thanksgiving a try. For this year, I've got a list of food to bring to the family get-together, and I'm going to make sure they're as local as possible.

  • Pumpkin pie - I grew a huge pumpkin/squash thing last year, and still have puree left over in the freezer. This will be turned into a pumpkin pie. Or two.
  • Mashed potatoes- The potato crop turned out pretty well this year, and I'm excited to share it, topped with chives, also from the garden.
  • Green beans- I have these canned and ready, though I haven't gotten tapped to bring the green bean casserole just yet.
Really, this could be a 100% local meal if I got a local turkey and some local greens for a salad, and opened a can of applesauce or pears that I've put up for the winter. Eating local is not as hard as it seems!

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